It’s summertime which means there’s no better time to do a little interior and exterior design. Reno Paint Mart’s Design Center created a list of easy DIY interior and exterior design home projects that will transform your home, without breaking out the piggy bank. Take some time to read about some simple ways you can give your home a refresh.

Revive Your Old Fencestaining fence wood stain how to home improvement

Bring back the rich glow of your fence with a fresh coat of wood stain. A fence that’s as full of color as the surrounding foliage will make your yard stand out among the neighborhood. The process of DIY home improvement with re-staining a fence couldn’t be easier.

Re-staining a fence:

  1. Power wash your fence
  2. Fix any broken pieces
  3. Apply wood stain thoroughly

The power washer is used to not only clean the fence of dirt but to also scrape off the existing outer layer of old finish. It’ll help you achieve a better stain result in the end.

When using a power washer, try to stay within a pressure range of 1,500 to 2,000 psi. Anything above could start to damage the wood.

If you are having trouble finding a power washer, you can use a regular garden hose just fine. For best results, use an attachment that will allow you to increase the pressure manually.

Next, you want to repair as much of the broken fence as possible. After all, if you’re gonna make it look good, you might as well go all the way. Here are some ways you can easily fix your fence before staining your fence:

  • Tighten loose boards with stainless-steel screws
  • Re-apply wood preservative in rot-prone areas
  • Glue split pieces

Now you are ready to start staining. We recommend using an oil stain to preserve the unique grain patterns of your fence. You can even choose an oil-based wood stain that has added pigment if you want your fence to have a specific tone.

Make Your Wooden Deck New Again

Why stop at your fence? You can make your old deck like-new again with some wood stain and a couple of hours.

Much of the same process for restaining your fence applies to your deck. If you want a good, high-quality stain, you’ll need to spend a lot of time making sure your deck is clean of dirt and grime.

Afterward, you’ll want to brush the entire deck with a cleaning solution, before rewashing the entire deck again 15 minutes later.

Finally, start staining the rails and banisters before finishing off with the floorboards.
More Information on Wood Stain


outdoor deck

Freshen Up a Room with a New Coat of Paint

A simple coat of paint can change the whole personality of your home. Now is the perfect time to add some personality to your bedroom, office, kitchen, or any other room in your home.

Here’s a couple of ideas of paint combinations and paint finish ideas to get you inspired:

Kitchen Colors: Warm & Natural

With this natural color combo, you can make your kitchen just as inviting as the food that’s cooked in it. This combination is perfect for a kitchen with wooden accents that you want to highlight.

fall colors house paint combo home improvement natural

Bathroom Colors: Refined & Modern

This bathroom paint combo will surely class up your bathroom without sacrificing color. This combination works really well if you want to add a touch of modern without succumbing to the typical pure-whites color scheme. 

bathroom colors modern home improvement

Living Room Colors: Inviting & Relaxing

You can make your living room the perfect place to relax with a soothing combination of blues, teal, and soft brown. This combination will work especially well in a room that relies on natural lighting.

living room colors relaxing blue green teal home improvement

Add a Backsplash to Your Kitchen

diy kitchen backsplash

If you are looking for a quick weekend project, without cracking open the piggy bank, then adding a kitchen backsplash is the perfect project for you. You can forgo the typical tiled backsplash for simple stock material that you cut and shape yourself. Then you need to simply need glue your backsplash behind your kitchen and you’re done.

Recaulk Your Bathroom

While it may not be the most glamorous or exciting DIY home improvement project, giving your bathroom a fresh caulking will significantly improve your home. Not only is old caulking ugly, but it can lead to mildew build-up and water leakage, among other things.

The benefits of replacing caulking include:

caulk caulking bathroom bathtub sink repair diy

  • Reduces potential for mold and mildew build-up
  • Lowers chance of infestation
  • Prevents leaks
  • Reduces energy cost
  • Decreases household carbon footprint
  • Saves money by preventing the need for larger repairs
  • Just looks better

You can tell caulking needs to be replaced when it starts to crack and turn brown. After you’ve removed the old caulking, take the opportunity to repaint any of the areas that have faded or were removed when you stripped the caulking.

Reno Paint Mart – DIY Home Improvement Made Easy

Whatever home improvement project you’ve taken on, Reno Paint Mart is here to help. We have the supplies you need for painting, finishing, staining, and more. Need a designer’s touch for a room? Our staff of Reno interior design specialists are ready to bring your dream home to life. Contact the Reno Design Center today.


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