Need help redecorating your Reno home? Start transforming your home with Reno Paint Mart’s list of 5 simple interior design principles.

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Color is essential with Reno interior design


interior design

Your first tough interior design decision is color. Color is the most important aspect of interior design, and here’s why:

Colors impact the feeling and overall temperature of your room. First, determine if you want your room to have a cool or warming effect. Successful use of color depends on complementary colors, natural or artificial light, and the decor in the room. Rich colors such as reds and browns will create a more intimate effect for a bedroom. If you are unsure of your design direction, then feel free to schedule an appointment with a Reno Paint Mart interior design Reno consultant. We lend a professional perspective that’s guaranteed to elevate the look and feel of your home.

Space facilitates how a room flows

interior design

You might believe that space simply applies to how much furniture and decor are in a room. Actually, our interior design experts at Reno Paint Mart use space to facilitate how a room flows. This helps to direct people to certain sections of a room and creates a visual focal point. For example, to open up a small room, then forgo a coffee table in favor of several smaller side tables.

Balance: symmetry, asymmetry, and radial balance

interior design

You know the moment when you walk into a room with good balance. One room flows seamlessly into the next and all aspects complement one another. Balance is a useful interior design tool that can make any newcomer feel comfortable in your home. You can achieve balance through 3 different types of symmetrical balance: symmetrical, asymmetrical, and radial.

Symmetrical balance is fairly straightforward. This method focuses on an evenly split room whose sides mirror each other. You can easily accomplish this form of balance, but watch out – symmetrical balance can quickly become repetitive and boring.

Asymmetrical balance involves using a variety of colors, lines, textures, and forms to create a sense of balance. This does not involve duplication or heavy repetition. Asymmetrical balance is more complex than symmetrical balance, but with proper consultation it can help to unify your home without leading to monotony.  

Lastly there is radial balance. This form creates balance in a circular pattern with design aspects extending outward.

Form – organic vs. geometric



Forms populate every room in your home. Simply put, forms consist of shapes drawn from the outlines of objects. Some forms are man-made, such as a circular lighting fixture. Others, like a coffee table made from an oak tree, may be organic, and are defined by their inconsistent, natural form. A well-defined form emphasizes your space and ties your room together. While form can be tricky, a consultation with an interior design Reno expert will help you improve your room’s form.

Texture mixing – create juxtaposition

interior design

Texture is everywhere. In fact, there is no such thing as lack of texture. Because of its prevalence, texture will always be an important principle of interior design. For example, if you are going for a more modern and sleek look for your home, then incorporating smooth textures such high-gloss ceramics will reinforce that overall style. Similarly, using wood with natural grain textures will add a rustic feel to your home; however, it is important not to overuse one kind of texture in your home. After all, the power of texture comes from being able to contrast it with other textures to create emphasis.

In summary the 5 Principles to Reno Interior Design are:

  1. Add color to add personality to a room
  2. Arrange your space to dictate the flow
  3. Use a symmetrical, asymmetrical, or radial symmetry with a room’s layout
  4. Incorporate organic and geometric form to emphasize space
  5. Add textures to go with your room’s style

With these 5 Reno interior design principles you are now on your way to transforming your home into a place that you have always dreamed. Reno Paint Mart’s Design Center consultation is guaranteed to provide the home you’ve always envisioned. Click here to schedule your interior design Reno consultation today.

Schedule Your Free Consultation with the Reno Design Center.