A simple and stylish color feature in your home, accent walls have grown in popularity, with many types of paint and materials available. Adding a personal and unique touch to your home, an accent or focal wall can dress up any space and add a touch of color.

For those of you looking to start to start a new interior design project in Reno, here are a few accent wall ideas and tips for painting the perfect accent wall from the experts at Reno Paint Mart. 


1. Pick the right wall

Where is your eye drawn when you walk into your room? Picking a wall that attracts a lot of natural light or has interesting architectural features can make a great choice for an accent wall. This doesn’t necessarily mean the first wall you see when entering a room, but instead where you want to direct attention to.

2. Pick a color that adjoins the surrounding walls

Picking an accent wall color that flows smoothly into the rest of the room is essential. Accent walls work best when they adjoin with other neutral wall colors in a light to medium shade. Although pairing an accent wall with white walls is not impossible, the color contrasts can cause a stark difference, so be careful when choosing colors. If you do, try to stick to mid-tone accent colors.

3. Choose the right sheen

Depending on the room you are in, there should be different sheen preferences. A satin finish offers a soothing atmosphere for the bedroom. A matte finish looks great in the living room as it is low luster and hides imperfections. Shinier finishes, like semi-gloss or satin, helps draw in light and make the wall stand out, while a subtler eggshell finish will soften a room.

4. Get started

Once you have picked your wall, color, and sheen it is time to get painting. Start by taping the edges of the wall you are painting and around any light plates or windows in the way. Make sure you apply the paint in even strokes from the ceiling to the floor.

Accent Wall Ideas to Make Your Wall Stand Out

Don’t be afraid of using a bold color or design when designing your accent wall. As long as there are accessories or accents in the room to match, you can use that color to tie in a wall and complete the room. However, an accent wall doesn’t have to be a stark, bright color. They look best when they match the flow of the room. If you want to keep your home looking neutral, pair tans with a dark brown wall. If there are pops of blue in your furniture and accessories, pick a matching paint color to accent.

There are more ways to accent a wall than just using paint. Here are some accent wall ideas to design your accent wall when thinking out of the box:

  • Reclaimed wood panels can add a cozy rustic feel
  • Use shiny metallics to add glamour and luxe to the room
  • Layer slates, stones or tiles for color and texture
  • Focus on architectural features, such as wall and display shelves
  • Fabric draped walls are trendy and easy to remove for apartments or rented spaces
  • Contemporary wallpapers with chic and fun styles can add dimension to the room


Reno Interior Design Consultants

Designing an accent wall can be a beautiful addition to your room, but you don’t have to figure it out alone. Whether you are trying to decide what shades of paint look the best in your room, or want to go in an entirely unique direction, our Reno Interior Design Consultants can help you organize and plan your overall design with great accent wall ideas. Get in touch with our Reno Design Center and schedule a free consultation.

Consult the Reno Design Center today.

interior design wall painting orange yellow